Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Microsoft Bangladesh on Wednesday announced that it would run two online community portals each for developers and IT professionals in Bangladesh.

Microsoft Bangladesh launched (developers) and (IT Professionals) in a ceremony held at the BIAM Foundation auditorium in the Capital.

These portals are the realisation of Microsoft's commitment to create and build strong knowledge based ICT community in Asia and uplift the software development and IT engineering in the country.

The event kicked off with the inaugural speech by Moshiur Rahman, solutions manager of Microsoft Bangladesh, who then introduced Risman Adnan, developer evangelist of Microsoft Regional Asia. Feroz Mahmud, country manager of Microsoft Bangladesh was also present in the occasion along with other officials.

“Internet has created incredible new opportunities for people around the world to meet and share ideas about topics they care about. These portals are the special ones, the first online communities for IT professionals of Bangladesh who are working with Windows systems on Microsoft platform”, said Rahman.

Risman Adnan gave a presentation on the topics 'Lap around Microsoft Web Platform and Technologies' and 'Developer Introduction to Windows 7' to the audiences; who were mostly IT professionals, developers and students of different organisations and universities.

“Every time a new door opens online, it creates opportunities for people to share their experiences, exchange ideas, collaboration and innovation,” said Risman Adnan.

He also provided the main theme of the MSDN and Technet portals as 'Next generation software developer and IT professional community in Bangladesh'.

Risman Adnan also said that a very promising number of IT developers and professionals are there to move Bangladesh forward as a key player in worldwide IT ecosystem. As Bangladeshis have very good English skills, the potential of becoming the second outsourcing option after Philippines are there. And a strong developer and IT professional community is one key indicator of that potential.

The MSDN and Technet portals will provide free memberships with the opportunity to interact with Microsoft's people and partner in the Asia-Pacific region. These portals will create a new gateway of online interaction and collaboration among developers and IT professionals by providing features like online blogs, forums, user groups, wikis, media gallery, media streaming, news letter and job posting.

MSDN Bangladesh portal will focus on next generation software development technologies such as ASP.NET, Silverlight 2.0, Azure Service Platform and parallel computing while Technet Bangladesh portal focuses more on core infrastructure and platform technologies like Windows operating system specially Windows latest beta version Windows 7 (Client and Server), Exchange Server, SQL Server, Sharepoint, BizTalk Server and Unified Communication. Risman Adnan provided a brief description of all the contents in his presentation.

In his concluding speech Feroz Mahmud said, “We can all learn from each other as we are in the knowledge industry. We will share and exchange our views, works and thoughts to other developers and IT professionals through these two portals and to make sure that everyone has access to ICT, even for the people living in remote areas”.

He also told the audiences that as Microsoft basically focus on people to improve productivity in every sector of life, they usually spend a huge amount of money in Research and Development (R&D) to serve the best product to the consumers thus they can enhance their efficiency.


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