Friday, May 22, 2009

Macrumors caught hold off a couple of job listings that hints about the few features that will possibly make it to the iPhone 3.0. The first job listing is for a low level programmer who understands processor architecture, specially ARM and its NEON vector unit.

The current and the previous iPhone and iPod Touch models use ARMv6 processors and NEON, which is an architectural extension to ARM processors specifically gains from ARMv7 Cortex procs. ARM NEON’s official page also mentions that NEON helps to achieve 2x of performance than ARMv6, somewhat confirming yesterday’s rumor.

Apple is also hiring a highly skilled engineer who can deliver cutting edge embedded video processing technologies. Well, whatever that means, this could be something iPhone can benefit of. The job includes working on real-time media and networking apps that uses Wi-Fi and cellular networks.


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