Tuesday, June 02, 2009

When your first handset looks set to rack up close to twelve months of delay, you may as well announce a few more. That seems to be the attitude at Garmin-ASUS, who are conveniently forgetting all about their much-postponed nuvifone G60 and instead are talking about their upcoming Android smartphone, set to arrive by the end of Q1 2010.

Garmin - who have been a member of Google’s Open Handset Alliance since December 2008 - were initially tipped to be offering an Android device sometime this year. While company executives now say that the phone “could come a bit earlier” than the end of March 2010, it doesn’t seem likely to beat that timescale by a full three months, especially given Garmin-ASUS’ ongoing issues.

The duo have declined to comment on how much the Android smartphone might cost. However they have confirmed that the GPS will be used for geotagging photos and for offering other location-based services.


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